Payment methods
We offer you different payment methods listed below. Please choose your favourite payment method.
The product prices displayed during the order process are final prices. They include all taxes. Only in the case of transnational delivery, additional taxes or tarif fees might have to be paid on top. These additional costs are not to be paid to us but to the tax or tarif authorities in the countries where the order is going to be delivered to.
Shipping and delivery costs are not part of the product prices. They have to additionaly be paid by the customer. The amount will be listed seperately on the order. More information on these costs can be found on the page “Shipping & Delivery“.
Shipping processes will not start before we have received the money for the order you placed in our shop.
Direct withdrawl
We withdraw the due amount from your stated banc account after the order has been placed. (There will be an added fee of 2 Euro.)
Paying even more safe and faster through your PayPal account.
Banc transfer (upfront)
Please transfer the total amount of your order onto our bank account and include the order number as a reference:
Account owner: John Colton
Account number: 6603 0771 81
SWIFT: 100500 00
Bank: Berliner Sparkasse
IBAN: DE05 1005 0000 6603 0771 81