Starting 07.12.2018
Opening: 7.12.2018, 7 pm
Introduction: Albrecht Metzger (author, comedian, "Mr. Rockpalast)
WILDE ZEITEN (Wilde Times), Günter Zint presents and signs his new photo book
LOOK WHO’S COME FOR TEA!, curated by John Colton, presents iconic Album Cover Art and photo portraits of musicians by a wide variety of designers and photographers from different countries from the 1960s to the 1990s.
Among those are for example David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust and Hunky Dory of British photodesigner, airbrush artist and painter Terry Pastor (photo Brian Ward), Debbie Harry's KooKoo of the “Alien-creator" H.R. Giger, B.B. King by Robert Crumb, Queen's A Night at the Opera by Brian May & Robert Taylor, De La Soul's 3 Feet High and Rising by Toby Mott, Billy Idol's White Wedding by David Storey, Tom Waits' Swordfishtrombones by Michael A. Russ, The Verve's Storm in Heaven by Michael Spencer Jones and many more
Browse Gallery provides an opportunity for a re-encounter with these and other iconic album cover art pieces, presented in enlarged, beautiful limited edition prints signed by the artists.
Furthermore there are a number of black and white photo portraits of bands and musicians on display, rounding up the exhibition, i.e. Frank Zappa, Ray Charles and Miles Davis by Axel Benzmann, Ton Steine Scherben by Rita Kohmann and The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Udo Lindenberg, John Lennon and The Beatles by Günter Zint.
Opening Times: 7. December 2018 - 11. January 2019
Tue - Sun, 2 - 8 pm
(closed 24. - 26.12.18, 31.12.18, 1.1.12019)
Location: Browse Gallery, Bergmannstr. 5, courtyard to the right, 10961 Berlin
Admission: free
Seasons Special: Guided tour with Albrecht Metzger ("Mr. Rockpalast") through the exhibition (in German)
Dates and times: 9.12.,, 12 am - 1 pm
Location: Browse Gallery, Bergmannstr. 5, courtyard to the right, 10961 Berlin
Ticket fees for the tours: 10€/7€ reduced
Please register via our online-form on the contact page for the prefered tour date
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