Hut ab! Oskar Huth zum 100. Geburtstag

Oskar Huth Signet
Anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags erinnern Freunde und Bewunder*innen am 26. Februar 2018 an den besonderen Menschen, Berliner Bohemien, Grafiker, Orgelbauer, Pianist, Widerständler und Meisterfälscher Oskar Huth, (1918 Berlin – 1991 Berlin).  Auch die Browse Gallery lüftet zum 100sten vor dem Geburtstagskind erneut erfreut den Hut, nachdem sie seit 2014 mit der Ausstellung Oskar Huth: Für den
Aldona Gustas in an interview with Vytene Saunoriute-Muschick Aldona Gustas, Lithuanian born Berlin poet and graphic artist, continues to enjoy  high levels of  public attention and recoginition – both in Lithuania and in Germany. Throughout the year 2017 she has experienced great interest and appraisal among fellow artists and from cultural institutions in Lithuania –
 Aldona Gustas “Women’s Voices” art show opens  in Wilna on April 11 2017 The prestigious National library  M. Mazvydas is a great location to host Aldona Gustas‘ exhibition,  an excquisite series of playful erotic drawings with the German title “Mundfrauen” (“Women’s Voices”) . The series is part of the main graphic work of the Lithuanian born
Aldon a Gustas Leipzig Bookfair Flyer
Come and visit us with Aldona Gustas presentation at Leipzig Bookfair 23.-26.3.2017, Book Presentation: “Zeit zeitigt”, Aldona Gustas, Corvinus Presse, January 2017, edit. by Browse Gallery Solo Exhibition: Berliner Malerpoeten / Berlin Painter-Poets. The Portraits. Last chance to also see her work and 20 other artists in the group exhibition: Oxymora. Berliner Malerpoeten/Berlin Painter-Poets &
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