Hut ab! Oskar Huth zum 100. Geburtstag
Saturday, 24 February 2018
Anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags erinnern Freunde und Bewunder*innen am 26. Februar 2018 an den besonderen Menschen, Berliner Bohemien, Grafiker, Orgelbauer, Pianist, Widerständler und Meisterfälscher Oskar Huth, (1918 Berlin – 1991 Berlin). Auch die Browse Gallery lüftet zum 100sten vor dem Geburtstagskind erneut erfreut den Hut, nachdem sie seit 2014 mit der Ausstellung Oskar Huth: Für den
- Published in General, Kreuzberg Bohème, West-Berlin
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Aldona Gustas Berlin interview about her book “Undead”
Saturday, 04 November 2017
Aldona Gustas in an interview with Vytene Saunoriute-Muschick Aldona Gustas, Lithuanian born Berlin poet and graphic artist, continues to enjoy high levels of public attention and recoginition – both in Lithuania and in Germany. Throughout the year 2017 she has experienced great interest and appraisal among fellow artists and from cultural institutions in Lithuania –
- Published in Aldona Gustas, Event, West-Berlin
Aldona Gustas und die MUNDFRAUEN at the Lithuanian National Library
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Aldona Gustas “Women’s Voices” art show opens in Wilna on April 11 2017 The prestigious National library M. Mazvydas is a great location to host Aldona Gustas‘ exhibition, an excquisite series of playful erotic drawings with the German title “Mundfrauen” (“Women’s Voices”) . The series is part of the main graphic work of the Lithuanian born
- Published in Art, Exhibitions
Aldona Gustas at Leipzig Bookfair 2017
Thursday, 16 March 2017
Come and visit us with Aldona Gustas presentation at Leipzig Bookfair 23.-26.3.2017, Book Presentation: “Zeit zeitigt”, Aldona Gustas, Corvinus Presse, January 2017, edit. by Browse Gallery Solo Exhibition: Berliner Malerpoeten / Berlin Painter-Poets. The Portraits. Last chance to also see her work and 20 other artists in the group exhibition: Oxymora. Berliner Malerpoeten/Berlin Painter-Poets &
- Published in Art, Event, Exhibitions