Squaring the Circle – the story of HIPGNOSIS, der neue Dokumentarfilm von Anton Corbijn über die Geschichte von HIPGNOSIS trifft auf euphorisches Publikum beim Sundance Festival und begeistert Filmkritiker überall in den USA. Erzählt wird die Geschichte von HIPGNOSIS, den visionären Schöpfern genialer Album Cover Art, Aubrey Powell und Storm Thorgerson, die zwischen 1967 und 1983, die ikonische LP-Cover für Rocklegenden wie Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, 10cc, Genesis und Peter Gabriel, Paul McCarthey und viele andere produzierten. Neben dem HIPGNOSIS-Gründer Aubrey Powell erzählen Pink Floyds Rodger Waters, David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Peter Gabriel, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Paul McCartney und auch diverse andere Kreative, mit denen HIPGNOSIS kooperierte, wie die Fotografin Jill Furmanowsky von den Begegnungen mit den Design Genies und den verrückten Hochzeiten des Vinyl-Zeitalters andere.
Ab Mai kommt der Squaring the Circle in den USA in die Kinos. Ob er auch in Deutschland zu sehen sein wird, ist noch unklar. Wir hoffen darauf. In der Zwischenzeit bleibt vorerst nur ein Trailer und die Presseberichte über den Film. Beides findet ihr hier
SQUARING THE CIRCLE (the story of hipgnosis) | Clip | Anton Corbijn | Raindog Films
Rezensionen Squaring the Circle beim Sundance Festival
The Mad Geniuses Behind the Iconic Album Covers, From Pink Floyd to Led Zeppelin by David Fear, – January 25, 2023
“IN THE OLD days, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and music was primarily heard through vinyl discs on a rotating machine with a needle, you’d go down to your local record shop and purchase an album. Then you’d go back home, slap the platter on your player and listen intently. More often than not, these albums would have a picture of the artist or group on the front, staring joyously or moodily back at you. These were the people making the sounds you heard.” Mehr
Squaring The Circle (The Story Of Hipgnosis) Review: “Meet The Artists Behind Some Of Rock’s Finest Album Art [Sundance]” Review by Ethan Anderton – January 25, 2023
“Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” is one of the most revered rock albums of all time, and that includes the minimalist album art that adorned the original vinyl release of the 1973 record. You can find the famous triangle prism with a rainbow of color shooting out of it on a pitch-black background on posters, t-shirts, stickers, tattoos, and pretty much anything you can slap a logo on. Even people who wouldn’t call themselves Pink Floyd fans are familiar with the iconic album artwork. But do you know who is responsible for creating that famous image?
Director Anton Corbijn, best known for narrative features such as “The American” starring George Clooney and “A Most Wanted Man” with Philip Seymour Hoffman, has stepped into the documentary arena with “Squaring the Circle (The Story of Hipgnosis),” Mehr
Anton Corbijn On Golden Age Of Rock Album Covers & ‘Squaring the Circle’ Docu + His Own Post-Punk Process – Sundance Studio
“They were very ambitious, and they didn’t think there was a limit to what was possible both financially and in terms of artistic possibilities and ideas,” says Anton Corbijn of Squaring the Circle (The Story of Hipgnosis) featured designers Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey Powell, and their archetypal rock album covers. Mehr
Utopia Lands Anton Corbijn Doc ‘Squaring the Circle’ (Exclusive)
Anton Corbijn (A Most Wanted Man, The American) makes his feature doc debut on the project, which is heading to the Sundance Film Festival after premiering at Telluride. The doc tells the story of Hipgnosis and its founders Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey “Po” Powell, who were responsible for some of the most recognizable album covers of all time, including Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon and Led Zeppelin’s Houses of the Holy, and worked with artists like Paul McCartney, Wings, Black Sabbath and AC/DC. Mehr
‘Squaring the Circle’ Film Review: Music Meets Image in Stylish Rock Documentary
Telluride 2022: Paul McCartney, Jimmy Page, Roger Waters and more pay tribute to legendary design agency Hipgnosis in Anton Corbijn’s film. Still, “Squaring the Circle” is a treat for anyone with a taste for rock, for rock imagery and for the glories that can be found in that piece of cardboard wrapped around a record. Anton Corbijn knows those glories well, so his movie’s got a good beat and a good look. Mehr